
This website is dedicated to the project Violence against Women’s Health, a project book for the Manchester University Press, forthcoming in 2020. http://www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/

What is the project about?

In the book I will explore in-depth, using an international law perspective, the relationship between violence against women (hereinafter VAW) and the right to health, including sexual and reproductive rights. In particular, I will introduce one key innovative notion: violence against women’s health (hereinafter VAWH), and I will analyse it using the elements of medicine known since Hippocrates: anamnesis, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

Who am I?

I am Sara De Vido, I am Associate Professor of international law at Ca’Foscari University of Venice, Italy, where I am also vice-director of the Centre for Human Rights. I am one of the co-founders of the Women in international law network, WILNET in Manchester. My areas of expertise are international law, in particular human rights law, and European Union law.

I started to become interested in women’s rights some years ago, when I started to study States’ obligations in preventing and combating domestic violence. From there on, I have never stopped working on this issue, publishing articles and books and organising an annual conference in Venice on 25. November each year.

Where did the project start?

This project started in Manchester, at the School of law, in particular within the wonderful Manchester International Law Centre. It is thanks to Prof. Jean D’Aspremont and Prof. Iain Scobbie that this proposal has developed.